SAVE THE DATE- Therapy Assistant Recognition Week (September. 11- 15th, 2023). We will be kicking off the celebration that week by hosting a virtual evening networking and best practices sharing event on Wednesday, September. 13th, 2023. In addition, we are excited to share we will be hosting virtual “Lunch and Learn” educational sessions throughout the month of September to encourage all Therapy Assistants to share their insights, experience, and skills. ALL sessions will be FREE for our MEMBERS to attend.
We are seeking practical and interactive sessions pertaining to areas of practice for Therapy Assistants who work in one of these areas: occupational, physical, speech language and recreational therapy to present to support the learning of our many therapy assistant. Presentations must be a 30 minute duration, hosted on ZOOM (12:15pm- 12:45pm) during the month of September.
Nominations are OPEN, we are wanting to recognize Therapy Assistants in two categories: Leadership and Outstanding Practitioner Award. Please fill out award nomination form attached, so we can recognize those who are going over and above and celebrate them with some gift cards! We will share the successful nominations during our networking event September. 13th.
Deadline for “2023 CALL FOR SPEAKERS FORM” and ” 2023 TA AWARD NOMINATION FORM” is August. 29,2023.
We are looking forward to celebrating the growth of this profession and will touch base beginning of September when all details are finalized. Please take the time to review attached documents.